Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where Do New Ideas Comes From?

New ideas can come from your imagination, from friend and family, from a memory, and even from space. Ideas don't just end; ideas are endless except when you want to stop. New ideas can be anything what you want it to be. Ideas are thinking, a thinking of the topic. Ideas don't fade, they just pop up into your mind and it stays to build up into a writing you want to write about.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite Short Story

My favorite short story from our unit is "Lamb to the Slaughter" because I like how Mary Maloney’s characteristics change through the story. First she was this nice person who was waiting for her husband then to a person who murders her husband. People usually want to murder other is revenge for get insulted and feelings get hurt very badly, in this case Patrick Maloney wanted to leave or divorce Mary. The news twisted Mary personality, which turn her to a very calculated murder. It was hilarious when the policemen thought that the weapon was something as hard as metal and thinking it might be under their nose when the real weapon is the leg of lamb that they are eating.