Monday, March 28, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence - part b

In the past years, the Aboriginal Australia has been treated badly by the settlers from Britain. The Aboriginal’s have struggled to keep their rights against AO Neville and the settlers. The Aboriginal’s have their own way to live but its been destroyed by the settlers because they are removing the children that are half – caste from their family and teach them to be ‘British’. The half – caste were not allow to speak the Aboriginal language and visit their mother which is like being separated from what you love the most in the world. The settlers have been doing this by ethnocentric, which created conflict and created the Stolen Generation that half – caste from their original life style to the British life style. The Aboriginal’s Australia deserves the rights that are been stolen by the British settlers.  

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence - part a

Molly is a hero in the movie called the Rabbit Proof Fence. Molly is the hero because she is the protagonist of the movie and she believes that they have a choice. In the movie, Molly said that the British are making her sick because they took her away from their mother and the rights they have. It is also because Neville said that she is ‘so fully of the Aborigines culture’ and it is bad and that they should have be graceful that they get to ‘be more civilized’ by giving them the education that the British have to the half-caste which make them more British. Molly is also brave to escape the Gulag to find her way home with her sister and her cousin to the Aborigines tribe.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Learning Profile - P

I have notice that I struggles in class because I always need to move in class. I always need to move so I can process what is being learned. My profile is P. I learn best when I move and focusing on the whole picture, context and emotion relevance to myself. This is because I . I need to physically do, like move my hands, to process what is being learned. The strategies that would help me in my learning is to have something to move in my hands. This would help me understand what we're learning in class I would like my teachers to know this about me is that I can't sit for 80 minutes. I would somehow change the way how I sit, so I can still focus in my own way. I like to play around and sometime tap with my pencil because it helps me stay focus and ideas flow.